Feudalkeen - Stim to Win

Hello telefriends,

some of the players of Feudalkeen (let's be honest everyone that got in touch) have remarked/complained that the game is too tough. I think that the difficulty can be handled, but then again I know what is going on under the hood with the enemies. Players will get the hang of shooting mice and bats and then these resilient larvae/worm things come along and really mess up the run.

In order to make the odd fight more manageable three new random pickups have been introduced. Stimulant Drugs that add on a few hitpoints for a few turns. Potions that slow down time for a couple of turns. (It's not really space time that is being bent, it's merely the commando's metabolism speeding up.)

Inject that orange syringe and benefit from a few additional temporary hitpoints. That way that pesky bat didn't really do any damage.

Drinking the blue potion seems to slow down time itself. The death commando can make a few moves without the enemies taking a turn. You can see, that the mice stop bobbing their little heads.

With these new pickup you can occasionally save some precious hitpoints or ammo.  It's just a small thing to spice up the run.

Thanks for reading!

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